The Word communication has originated from word cominis or communicate these words belong to Latin language . It means to have some thing in common . In other words communication means sharing ideas,views,thoughts,sentiments and emotions with some one whether orally or in writing .
Communication is or to a process b/w two individual or an individual and an organization or b/w two organization . Sender or receiver of a message are two parties involve in the process of communication . It can be an individual level and or that the organization level , No communication can be effected unless the message transmitted by the sender is understood by the receiver . It is suppose to involve right response from the receiver . It is also known as feed back . There can be collective business communication .
Communication skills include the technique of conductivity , affective communication . In the word of commerce or great hotel industry . One able to communicate effectively produce good results communication can be classified into Three Groups
These days communication have become dynamic process . It transfer b/w two parties message . Communication is never without a purpose . It strengthens communication business between two organizations or individual . In the field of industry communication plays a vital role people who excels in communication skills always rise by showing their potential . Communication provide them and outlets to display these capability and professional efficiency . Orders are placed with help of communication channel such as Letters , Telegram , E-mail Correspondent Fax Messages and through telephonic conversation . Internet also plays a significant role in world of communication . It has become an important role of modern education . The purpose of communication can not be confined to a small regions .
There are different phases or components of the communication process . Identity of all the sender has an idea to convey . This is the beginning of the communication process . The sender may be an individual or an organization . The idea may be important . In other words it is given a physical form in the shape of words . It means that the method of transmission of a message is called encoding that he select the channel in the form of memo , letter , a report , email fax or telephone . It depends upon his requirement or circumstances which determine his choice of a channel .
The receiver of the message has an important role he draws meaning form the little or spoken message , This process can be defined as decoding of message . It has a mental process . Feedback come offer this stage . This is the final phase . If the response or feed back is proper the purpose of communication is carefully served . The whole purpose of communication becomes purposeful when over phase is successfully covered
Channels Of Communication
Channels Of Communication within an organization are of two types
Formal Channel Of Communication
Formal Communication is that where bosses and Subordinates interact with one another , The Communication is very formal and is usually conducted through written message .
Informal Channel Of Communication
Informal Channel of communication is free from every formality as the very name shows , Eg Gossips , Loose Talk , Irresponsible Comments belong to this category .Rumors are also included in it . We can divide channels of communication into downward communication and upward communication .
Downward Communication
Here The communication lows from the upper management down to the lower employees through this downward communication , Management gives info to employes about the policies or policy changes in the organization , More over through the downward channel, the Bosses or Senior Manager Persuade the lower members of staff to work with devotion . Suggestion about improvement of work are also made to them . other elements of downward communication are orders advice concealing , warning etc . The main drawback of downward channel is message often gets deteriorated . The reason being it has to pass through a long line of officials .
Upward Communication
Communication from lower staff to upper management is known as upward communication , Lower staff often seeks guidance of certain things from their seniors among whom they may be superior or managers , They also provide them information about certain problems which they are facing in their day to day work , Requests are made for obtaining leaves , increment and bonus etc . If they have complaints against their colleagues, is again resent to senior officer . The Drawback of this channel of communication is inferiority complex of the workers who don't open up with their fellow workers , nor do they share their difficulties or personal problems with their seniors often their subordinates lag the courage to point out wrong decision's and policies which are framed by their bosses . Who occupy top positions in that business organization . They try to soften it down by other ways which leads to distortion of message .